Thursday, February 12, 2015

Home Remedies for HeartBurn !!!!

Hey warm welcome you all !!!!!

In this modern world, we humans are required to work very hard for long hours in order to smell the aroma of living comfortable life.Its similar to the tale of tortoise and hare race, survival to the fittest

In this race, we have various expectation such as getting good job, updating technical skills, sustaining recognition among peers, excellent salary package and at last the most awaited, promotion!!!!!.We have a notion that these can make us happy. Of-course, there is always fruitful result for hard-work. But have we ever realized one aspect that we take for granted, that we don't even mind overlooking it.Did you guess?????

Yeah, its our care towards our body.We never spend time for our body that it expects from us. We always force our system to react as we like. This is the main problem which is overlooked and has not been a priority, ever (seriously!!!!)... As a result, our body starts to retard and oppose leading to various disorders or even fatal diseases.

Common disorders found in all of us include:
  • Obesity
  • Indigestion
  • Heartburn
  • Acidity
  • Stress
  • Craving on junk foods
  • Fatigue
  • Heart/chest pain
  • Bloating
  • Gastric
  • Ulcer
  • Lazy

In this post I will discuss Heartburn - cause , symptoms and home remedy 


What is heartburn??

               Its a form of indigestion felt as a burning sensation in the chest,caused by acid regurgitation into the esophagus.

How is it caused??

               Its mostly due to change in our lifestyle,food habits and rest.

Common symptoms of Heartburn

               Heartburn symptoms are similar to those of stomach upset but should be taken seriously if its prolonged almost everyday. It includes:
  • Burning sensation in the chest after each meal or drinks.
  • Burping occasionally.
  • Mouth smells as heated rod or metal.
  • Not able to complete one time meal.
  • Often feel to pass stools (motion).
  • Lack of sleep at night.
  • Dry throat and urge to drink water while sleeping at night.
  • Stress/restless behavior.

Home Remedies

  • Drink a lot of water:
    • Water helps to clean stomach and allows complete excretion, thus keeping stomach light and easy
  • Give COMPLETE REST to the body
    • Relax 5 mins for every 1-2 hours. Don't consider always sitting at desk, make a quick stroll and be right back to work.
    • Avoid stress if possible.
  • Take smaller meals
    • Break down meals into smaller portions and consume in intervals of every 2-3 hrs. By doing this, we help stomach to produce enough acid to burn  food & avoid heartburn.
  • Exercise 
    • Exercise is the best medicine for all problems. Take 30 mins brisk walk, Yoga or fitness exercise every day. Don't perform exercise which strains abdomen, stop it right away and continue walking for few days until its safe to start exercising.
  • Fruit Juices
    • Consume fruits as juices since the acid in the stomach will react faster to juices than whole fruits. Fruit juices such as banana, apple and watermelon helps to keep the stomach cool. Try avoiding critics such as lemon, orange, grapes.
  • Balance life
    • We need to balance work and personal life. As the great legend Abdul Kalam had quotes, WORK ONLY 8 HOURS A DAY in office. Practically not possible !!!!!!. 
  • Probiotics
    • Buttermilk or Probiotic yogurt  are the best helper to keep our system cool. Consume it anytime everyday. 
  • Till seeds 
    • it helps to generate required enzymes in stomach and keep it cool. Dry roast till seeds and grind them coarsely. Consume 1-2 spoons everyday with jaggery or without based on taste.
  • Dinner time
    • Have dinner about 2 hrs before sleep. Digestion will be slow during heartburn. 
  • Sound sleep
    • Last tip, add saffron to milk and consume daily after dinner. Saffron helps to clean stomach with unwanted bacteria and helps to get good sleep.Raise the head of your bed.

Things to avoid

  • Very spicy, fatty & junk foods.
  • Green Chilies in any food preparation.
  • Coffee, alcohol, coke and other beverages.
  • Mint, peppermint, chocolates.
  • No smoking.
  • Stress and depression.
  • Don't lie down soon after meal.
Follow these remedies everyday and feel the difference in the stomach and heartburn fading away.  :)

If still suffering from Heartburn then immediately make call to the Doctor and fix an appointment. 

Have a safe and stress free life !!!!!!

Feel free to share your comments, because knowledge is all about sharing.. !!!!!


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